Friday, May 23, 2014

5.08 Blog

Lately I have been reading this book Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This book is about transdentalism. Transcendentalism is an American literary, political, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century, centered around Ralph Waldo Emerson. In the book he Emerson also talks about Henry Thoreau, who is a strong believer of transdentalism. People who believe in transdentalism are believers in nature. They believe that schools, institutions, and especially governments are very bad for society and mankind. In the book its also explains that all of these governments and schools is a violation of peoples rights. Emerson was such a peaceful and religious person. He lived in the woods with nature, because he did not believe in living cities, because they are controlled by the government. Emerson hates the government because he thinks that they take advantage of the citizens, and the citizens are easily fooled by them. In the book it also had a short essay from Thoreau. Thoreau believed exactly what Emerson did about governments and schools. Thoreau used an example of the Mexican-American war. In order to get the public to favor the war, the government tricked the citizens that favoring the war would bring 3 times more land (It brought Only New Mexico and part of Texas, not 3 times more then the U.S), more economic stability etc. They lied, the economy actually went south and policies were not so great. So basically the authors intent is saying that everyone should stop believing and trusting governments and go against them. The organizational pattern the author used mostly cause and effect. My reaction after was skeptical. Although Emerson is right, I will still believe in the government and continue to support them.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4.08 blog

     A few days ago I finished a book Living The Dream – No Excuses, By Larry Winters. This book is an autobiography by Larry Winters, in which he shares on how he became from a low class person, to a successful person in just five years. Larry was not a very bright student in school, he graduated high school but did not go to college. He always struggled financially through his life. By the the age of 24, working with his wife at a car wash, Larry Winters was struggling to get by. He decided he needed to make a change for the better, so he seized control of his life and, day by day, built his own business. He started to gather all the money he can. When he managed to gather his money, he opened his own car wash business. At first he was losing money when he first opened the car wash. As time went by, things started to get better and better. He had to be more competitive and determined in order to compete with his competitors. After two years he opened his car wash, he managed to open a second location then later a third location. He was doing very good in terms of business. Now after five years he has nine locations within the city. Now he is financially stable and happy. I believe the authors intent was that if you work hard enough, you can make it big in life. He started as a car was worker with his wife, now he owns nine car was locations. Along the way, he learned many lessons about sacrifice, personal responsibility, determination and independence. The authors used chronological order pattern, he explained events from when he was a child till his adult life.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

3.07 blog

        Recently I read this book called Mice of men. In this book the main characters were George and Lenny. This story took place in the 1930s. George and Lenny were migrant workers, so they would work on a farm for a few months then travel to another city then will work for another farm for another few months. George was a mentally challenged person, and Lenny would use to take care of George. Lenny was basically the ring leader so he ran the show. George caused so many problems so Lenny had to always take his side and defend him. Its because of George they can not stay in one place and settle there, they always have to migrate. Towards the end of the story Lenny ends up killing George, because George had caused so much chaos at the other farm, that they were going to burn George alive, so Lenny decided that It was time for him to go. Lenny did do it in a peaceful matter, and George did not suffer with pain. It was very hard for Lenny but he had to do what he had to do. I reacted very surprised. As a matter a fact I had to read that chapter twice to make sure I understood it. The author did use chronological organizational patterns also he did use a lot of comparing and contrasting especially when it came to George and Lenny. Overall this was a good book and I do recommend the book to people.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2.07 Free choice Blog

     The story begins in August 1962 and is narrated by 53 year old Ailibeen, who is a black maid who takes cares of white babies. Ailibeen trys to escape for the night and to have a break, but it is almost impossible to sneak out for the night. She is still motivated to sneak out at least once, she has to plan it out.  After a few weeks. Ailibeen managed to make a plan and is planning to use it. Her plan is to put pillows in her bed and then sneak out of the window, while the whole house is sleeping.. Therefore Ailibeen attempted to try the plan out, it did work. She was able to sneak out in the middle of night and she did roam the city alone, as she was a free women. She still had to go back to the house before everyone woke up. A couple of days later everyone in the house started acting weird towards her. She noticed that they were not interacting with her and also that they had put locks on all the windows. Ailibeen was thinking if they founded out that she left the house. Now Ailibeen is scared and she is very alert about the situation.

      Well I think that what Ailibeen is going through is not right at all (although  it certainly does not happen today) At that time black people were still discriminated, and slavery was abolished at this time. However they treated Ailibeen like a slave which was not right. I do feel sorry for Ailibeen for what she is going through no one should be able sneak out so just they can have a good time (freedom).

  For this selection to take notes, I will use a list. I will write down important facts and thoughts. For this story there is a lot of facts, turning points etc. So the list note taking strategy is perfect for this selection

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Material and free choice blog.

    According to the quiz I took, it stated that  non- fiction is my favourite genre when it comes to reading. It said that “ I like to read information that is that is based in reality” Which this is 100% true. I do like non- fiction stories/novels. I like it because it is very interesting to read and interpret facts. Also I read non fiction stories (based on a true story). I feel that you can lear life lessons and facts when you read non- fiction. I believe that fiction does not really help you at all it just widens your imagination.

       The last thing I read was an article from the sunsentinel (which I read daily), it was titled 

"Car thief flees police at over 100 mph after stealing Mercedes in Boynton. The name of the artcle got me so excited so I decided to click on it. I read the whole article and was kind of surprised that the suspect tried to run from the police even when he had no where to go. These kind of articles het me really excited. I enjoy reading this type of work because it is very interesting on what is happening in our community, everyone should know what is happening in our community. After reading the article I realized that how some people are stupid, why would you run the police when you know you are going to be caught? I asked my self. Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this artcle and im looking foward for new article's to read, you will never know what you'll read.

Monday, January 31, 2011

One Day Blog By:Amaan Noor


       My parents are very strict especially my mom.
If I get bad grade on a test or an assignment I usually get grounded. I think that my parents are really strict because every little bad thing I do, I get a consequence. I think that's not fair that my little brother gets less consequences then me. I think that my little brother gets away with everything. When the time comes when I become a parent I will be less strict. I won't always ground them always when they get a bad grade. I will be two times less strict then my parents.
           If I was a parent the same thing i would do is give a very small consequence. Small consequences like grounded for one day or  have to do extra chores.
But I won't be that less strict. Just like my parents I would give some consequences for every bad thing they do. I think that my parents think that this way of discipline Is right for me, although sometimes I get out of hand.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Two Things that we will remember In 2010


                  One thing that I will remember in  2010
 Is the Haiti earthquake.The earthquake occurred
 on January/12/2010. It was so sad that over 230,000
people died in the earthquake. It also Left thousands of people homeless in Haiti.I think that it was one of the saddest days In 2010.


          Another thing that I will remember In 2010 is the World cup. I will always remember watching the world cup with my my family. I would remember watching all the games and see who would win, My favorite part was watching the playoffs and the championship. The best part was watching Spain winning.


                      Good Times I will always remember